Black In America Part 2 airs tonight on CNN at 9 PM EST. I wasn’t really all that hyped about the first one. and for those who don't know what is exactly Black in America it is a multi-part series of documentaries hosted by reporter Soledad O'Brien on CNN. The series is about various issues regarding blacks (African-Americans) which includes panel discussions on issues facing the black community.
The first edition focused on the state of black society and was so successful that CNN.com’s interactive section for "Black in America" garnered over 2.4 million page views. In addition, the "Black In America" iReport.com assignment brought in over 1,000 reports.
If you missed the previous series, please do a little research and click here to visit their website. This is definitely a series that you should sit your entire family down to watch and discuss.
series like :
The Black Woman and Family
Black in America: Today’s Pioneers
Black in America: Tomorrow’s Leaders
Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr was in Times Square with Soledad O'Brien to discuss his July 16th arrest for disorderly conduct. Gates talk to the audience about what occurred last Thursday at his Cambridge, Massachusetts home.
Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. of Harvard received what was probably his first taste of “racial profiling” by the police. My white neighbor saw two black men breaking into a home in Martha’s Vineyard. Dr. Gates is confronted by the police and explains that this is his home. Their response, “Prove It!” What’s the big fuss? Black men in low income urban areas have been voicing this concern for years. But suddenly an African American with some prestige and prominence among both white and black elitist has pointed out something that young black men have been enduring and continue to endure. Even after the election of a black president Barack Obama

Henry Louis Gates Jr. is seen being arrested Thursday at his home in Cambridge, Mass., in this photo taken by a neighbor
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